April 19, 2012

{pregnancy: 31 weeks}

Geez, here we are at the end of another week and I have to say-- 8 weeks longer may be too long for me. 

Luckily, we are super busy in the coming weeks and I think that should help the waiting game.... This week was rough-- my wrist had been bothering me all week and weekend, I took the weekend and Monday off from working (typing a lot) to see if it would help- nada. 

I went to the Doc yesterday and yup, carpal tunnel which is common in pregnancy due to swelling. They think I am bound to get preeclampsia (yay). Nothing I can do except wear a wrist brace and take Tylenol- I swear my baby is going to be addicted to that stuff haha! My awesome husband ordered me a gel pad to rest my wrists on while typing and got me a brace, can you say great guy!?

While also there, I've been getting pricked for Gestational Diabetes because I failed the test a few weeks back by 2 points, which isn't bad but could develop into GD which then would be bad for me AND baby. 

Yesterday I was a little higher on the blood sugar count than the previous time and have gained a few too many pounds the last 2 weeks than I should be so I was feeling a little defeated. 

I feel like this whole pregnancy I've been trying to eat healthy and not pig out on too much of anything and I've been swimming for about 2 months now pretty much 3-4 times a week... more than I think I was doing before getting pregnant (OK not think--know), and now I feel like I am HUGE and now possibly having a pregnancy that could be unhealthy and result in complications and possibly mean a C-Section (which to save me and Emmett is great- no count but I would be heartbroken to not get to experience labor). 

I wish Emmett wouldn't grow so quickly-- I've had 3 people in the last 4 days ask if I am due in a week or so instead of 1.5 months! So I know I am looking as big as I feel. All around I feel like what I am doing isn't enough and don't know how to do much more to not gain weight/swell up and neither does the Doc.... Enough about the venting, all in all- as long as Emmett and I are healthy in the end that's all that matters but it's hard feeling like you are just waiting to be GD or become toxic. 

Here's to 8 more weeks-- yee haw!! 


mrs. [jeremy] bodtcher said...

Oh love... I'm sorry the last couple of weeks have been rough. It's hard to feel like you work so hard, and get the experience you want! But like you said, whatever it takes to keep Emmett safe and healthy! You are already a great mother!! And you are just glowing and looking beautiful in your picture!! Xoxo. Please text or call if you need anything!

Shawn, Ashlee and Addison said...

I'm so sorry Karissa! I know all about horrible pregnancies so if you ever need to talk, I'm here! Stay strong! I remember when I was pregnant with Addi and deathly ill, I thought nothing in this world could be worth this.....and then I held her for the first time and was ready to do it again! I'll keep you and Emmett in my prayers! And I'm so glad you have an AWESOME hubby by your side! Love you guys!

lizwalker said...

This is the time. The time to be frustrated, tired, fed up and generally sense of malaise sets in. You have endured a lot of late and it is no wonder you are over this whole thing. All that being said, you are doing a great job of growing this little guy. I know how hard you have worked to be healthy through this pregnancy, and it will all pay off. I promise.

Helen said...

This post made me so sad! Pregnancy is tough, but you are tough! You will make it through the next few weeks, no doubt, and when I started feeling uncomfortable I went to the pool outside. Sometimes some sun and floating can work wonders. Love you, and I'm always just a phone call away :)