May 5, 2012

{life as a preggers: week 33}

I honestly had to look at my iPhone app to know exactly what week of pregnancy I am in. I am losing count because it's going so fast, we have been super busy and I have been more tired than I think I was in the first tri. This week's Dr's appt went well and Emmett is slowly evening out in his weight and size, so maybe our big guy won't be early like we thought before....darn! Also, I have my last 2 appt in 2 weeks (now 1) and I get to start being checked for signs of labor and dilation and all that fun stuff. I'm excited but heard from some people, it hurts so I guess it will be good prep for labor!

(yes my hair was like this for 4 out of the 5 weekdays this week) 

My mother-in-law, Liz and my mom threw a "grandma" shower for people from both wards and family friends this week. It was so much fun and I was shocked at how many people showed up!! We were loaded with gifts and I am now starting to feel like we can bring a baby home and I *might* know what to do- might is the key word. 
(some of the awesome gifts we got: diaper genie, bath tub, bouncer, diapers, wipes, clothes and my have- my Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag)

(another cute gift we got-- a shark hooded towel. Shark bait- woo ha ha!)

1 comment:

lizwalker said...

Now the fun begins!