March 23, 2012

{sweet summer}

Ok so this might be the first post I've done that's not 100% pregnancy focused. It's still related, because these are things that I would LOVE to be wearing post-baby this summer!

I think my mother-in-law would be proud, because a lot of these picks have COLOR something I normally steer clear from (aka gray and black are my fave color schemes).
Workout clothes, Lululemon things of course-- and I heard on Pinterest this quote that explains workout clothes perfectly: "I wear black while working out because it's a funeral for my fat". Awesome! I hope to get back to working out once the baby comes and hoping we can get a jogging stroller to help aid.
Accessories- because I feel like you can never have too many scarves, necklaces or hats!
Ah!! I love all these shoes-- I have an obsession with flats, I decided as much as I would love to be a heels kinda gal, with summer and being a new mommy, sandals and flats will be my best friend!
I am obviously loving bright colored jeans! I already have a maternity pair that are bright blue and I love are a couple others that just make me feel like summer!


Mrs. Walker said...

You have such a fun style! I love all the colors, they go so well with your personality!

Helen said...

Cute! But you forgot the most important essential post-birth.....A bathrobe!!!! Hahaha you know how much I LOVED mine! Don't worry, I'll hook ya up ;) Fun picks!