March 22, 2012

{life as a preggers: week 27}

Week 27 is one I would sure like to forget.... It's another post that will be coming in the next few days about how I almost put myself into Labor and how little Emmett was a rockstar and kept a strong heartbeat while Mama did not.

I decided to do something different this week- it's the ABC's of my pregnancy...some letters were tough but I managed to make them work:

A: aerobics- been doing water aerobics for a few weeks-- this week was a little scary
B: BOY and Braxton Hicks have started here and there
C: Crib, Car Seat and Clothes-- all so fun to shop for!
D: Drugs- meaning no more ibuprofen or nyquil or tylenol pm for the last 27 weeks!
E: Emmett, the one and only
F: Frank-- the nick name of my snoogle pillow
G: Glucose Test (hoping I pass this week) and Grandparents who have helped so much so far!
H: Hot Dogs.....from Costco.....smothered in Ketchup & Mustard
I: Itchiness- solved with Palmer's Cocoa Butter
J: June 15th aka Due Date!
K: Kegel- need to get better at these
L: Late, please don't be!
M: Mama- I can't wait to officially be one!
N: Nausea- which started in the second trimester
O: OB- Dr. Smith = awesome Dr.
P: prenatal and progesterone-- 2 things I've had to take this pregnancy
Q: quickening-- feeling Emmett move and KNOWING it wasn't just gas
R: Restless nights which will only increase when the babe comes
S: Stretch Marks- slowly but surely coming and Swollen Feet, getting this more often
T: tummy-- ever growing as you can see above
U: Urge to Urinate (double U's bonus points)
V: va jah-jah, I am still a little scared about pushing a babe through mine haha
W: weekly updates
X: x-rays- this only counts because I had to get one this week because of mentioned accident
Y: Emmett, this is all for YOU and worth it!
Z: Zzzz's- been really sleepy!

1 comment:

Helen said...

Love this! I love your pictures in black & white- gorgeous! COSTCO HOT DOGS were seriously my #1 craving when I was pregnant!! I'd go sometimes and just lick the mustard off and then go get more (TMI? Gross? I blame it all on being pregnant). That Sandy Costco has seriously probably made customers for life between me & you haha! So glad you are okay after what happened this week! We love you guys!