October 12, 2011

{i heart my sibs}

Can I just say how much I love my siblings?!?

We went to Garret's rock show the other night and while I wasn't loving the LOUD and I mean LOUD music that was playing, I was super impressed that the teachers have all praised my brother as the best in the School of Rock. And this got me thinking about how much I really enjoy spending time with my siblings.

This is a great Rock-A-Billy picture of him. It's crazy to think that he is 18, going to be graduating HS this year AND going off to college- I'm hoping USC. He is a smart cookie too, 4.0 GPA without fail and taking tons of AP classes- a little bit jealous! Anyway besides school work, this kid works his hinney off at Hires Big H and they all love him there. He pays for a lot of his own things like car insurance and phone bill which I find pretty admirable.

This little lady is my best friend in the whole world. She is beautiful and funny. We like the same clothes and get along 99% of the time. She is a pretty great soccer player and pretty much the definition of social butterfly. She is kind- sometimes too kind (liking helping some not so nice "friends" with posters and flyers and even when they were mean back and I wanted to be the big sister she taught me it was ok and it's better to be nice.) She is strong, she doesn't settle and doesn't let boys treat her unkindly which I really respect because that's not always how High School girls are. AND can you believe she will be driving in the next few months- she's pretty good too, for a 15 year old haha!

The littlest man, boy he is my example in life. Always kind and considerate (well ok not ALWAYS- he's a 13 year old). But he is always wanting to make others happy and will go out of his way to make sure no one is disappointed. Others' happiness = his happiness. He is a goof, always showing me funny youtube videos and about 80% of the time I don't get them but he is just laughing away. He is a determined little man, quiting soccer and starting up a completly new sport (LAX- thanks to the hubs) and totally proving all of us wrong by getting tough and actually scoring (twice now!). He also loves it and wants to practice everyday and does, which is something that you can't really coach. He also has been forced to make some new friends quickly which is also a really impressive talent!

Overall, I am glad they are mine and that I get to be friends and family with some of the coolest people ever!

1 comment:

Helen said...

Aw your sibs are so cute. They're lucky to have you as a big sis!