June 17, 2011

{privacy please!}

So, I thought that we would be keeping our blog open until we had kids because what we were sharing wasn't too much material for a creeper! However, as a good neighbor pointed out to me a few days ago, identity theft is becoming huge in the cyber world and Pierce and I need to protect ourselves! So we are going Private!!! Please let me know through facebook, email or comment if you would like an invite and I hope that all of you will, except you scary stalkers!

Thanks, oh and because it's Friday and this picture makes me happy- ENJOY!



Helen said...

HAHA love the baby pictures! Going private is the way to go! :) helenannwalker@gmail.com

Haylie said...

I want an invite! :) hayliecb@gmail.com

Allie said...

Me Me Me! alliecat_morgan@hotmail.com. Love you and miss you!

Nancy said...

I would like an invite, too. njemartin at gmail dot com :]

Marie said...

We want an invite!! mariej1013@hotmail.com

Tana said...

I want to be able to see your pictures 'n stuff! tanafcook@gmail.com

Stacie said...

Of course I want an invite! stacieedman@gmail.com

Jokilyn said...

I'd love an invite! jodi@jokilyn.com :)