November 18, 2010

{One Big Update!}

So I have a lot to catch up on! I guess I will start with last week! Our good friends Ben and Alex moved up to Sandy/West Jordan area last week from Orem and they were nice enough to invite us to their place once they got things settled. Alex made some great Broccoli Cheddar Soup and rolls for dinner; they then brought out Marie Calendar Key Lime Pie—so great! We then just chatted til about 10 until I made Pierce leave because I was sleepy haha. Their place is super nice and I am a little bit jealous of how new and nice everything is lol. Needless to say we are so happy that they are up here closer to us.

While we were buying them a house warming gift from Target, we spotted a painting of a black and white Shih Tzu and the conversation went a little like this:
Me: “Oh look how cute- it looks like Jack!!”
Pierce: “that is sweet; too bad they didn’t have one like Izzy”
Pierce pulls the picture down and low and behold right behind it…
Both of us: “Look, it looks like Izzy”
Pierce: “we have to get these, it’s meant to be”
So we bought both painting and hung them in our Laundry room/pantry and I love them! They capture both of the dogs’ personalities perfectly too. I guess it was meant to be.
This last weekend/week has been busy, crazy and fun! Where to start…Friday night, Pierce’s LAX team had a team pizza party that we went to and chatted with the girls and decided on T-shirts and Sweatshirts this year. I am excited that I get them too!! Haha, I am really proud of Pierce that he is coaching the team and knows how committed he is to the team. I will admit I didn’t want to go to the party, but it turned out to be really fun. After we got some ice cream and watched Charlie St. Cloud with Zac Efron, it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be but I still heart Zac ha!

Then Saturday, my sister in law Helen and I ran a 5K. We did the Draper Fun Run and got T-shirts (that were a few sizes too big haha). But we did it in pretty good time; it was harder for me than Helen because my knees just suck haha! But Helen was nice enough to stay with me and I think we got a good time! Pierce and his parents followed us around the course cheering us on and I am glad that Jeff and Pierce got some pictures of us in the action! I look pretty gross but I was running after all! After the race, my cute hubby surprised me with a card and some flowers. I am a pretty lucky duck!

Just running- don't mind the kids passing us lol.

Before the race, notice the huge gray shirts sticking out haha. Sorry they got out of order when I loaded them!

Jeff got in on the action of the race!

Running on Jeff and Liz's street.

The flowers from my cute husband! Aren't they so pretty!?

After we crossed the finish line!

After the run, we all went to Jeff and Liz’s house for breakfast and it was delicious! Blueberry pancakes, eggs and sausage! Oh and yummy chocolate milk. Then the girls went and got pedicures and it felt sooo great to get our feet rubbed. Then I came home and took a nice long nap with my hubby and then we went back to Jeff and Liz’s to watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets—our goal was to watch the first 6 movies before we see the 7th but I don’t think it’s going to happen haha. Liz bought us CafĂ© Rio which is one of our favorites and Chase and Helen brought delish cupcakes from Sweet Tooth Fairy!

Monday I work until 5 pm and then I was sore from running so I went and got a massage from Massage Envy (my mom buys me a membership there- thanks mom!!) and got a great relaxing massage… I went and got the puppies from my mom’s house and came home to my sweet husband who had the table all set with some great pot stickers and tangerine beef and rice! He even had a cold Diet Coke for me! Then I found out that he even made homemade chocolate ice cream. Then he said that we were going to see a movie that night with his cousins and aunt and uncle!! We went and saw Mega-mind with Will Ferrell and Tina Fey. It was pretty funny and would recommend it to anyone who is reading this!

Tuesday, we ran a bunch of errands and finally got all of our Christmas stuff set up (At least I think we are done lol)….we decided after a Costco run that we just needed to reorganize our pantry…well, we put some bottles on our washer while switching stuff around and a 8lb bottle of Olive Oil fell off and landed right on my foot! You might think that it wouldn’t be a big deal, but it was so heavy that it punctured my foot and I was bleeding! I thought I had broken my foot- so Pierce took me over to the ER and they said it was a small hairline fracture but boy it hurts! So when we got home, Pierce let me rest while he cleaned and made me some pasta for dinner. He also just gave me lots of love which was nice cuz I was in a lot of pain.

My foot is getting better but still pretty swollen so I am taking it easy. Pierce and I stayed home from work on Wednesday as well. We had to drop our cute little puppies off to get surgery and I was hurting and on pain meds, so Pierce took care of me. Liz was great and brought us some dinner which was delicious. I hope one day I can cook as well as her and my mom!

We just rested last night and got caught up on some TV (oh ps SOOOO happy that Brenda is gone in Survivor) and then we went to my sister’s dance concert at Albion Middle School. She did great and we are really proud of you! I don’t have pictures because all the ones I took didn’t turn out with the lighting but that’s ok!

Today, we went to school and picked our doggies up. I felt like they were gone for a week and all 4 of us were so happy to see one another and mommy and daddy got lots of puppy kisses! I was so sad when we dropped them off and it was sad not going to sleep with them but we are so glad it was just for a night! We came home and Liz had come and helped clean up some stuff in our apartment to help with my foot—So a big thank you to her!
My little sissy Izzy!
Jack Jack

Anyway I know this is a long post but at least there is a lot of pictures!


Helen said...

Ok first, I LOVE the new blog layout and header!! Also, on the 5K pics your knees may have been hurting but you look beautiful! Me, not so much, but I'm still stealing those pics for our blog too! Not such a good idea to wear no make-up and my "small" shirt haha! Those pictures of Jeff crack me up! I had a great time, 10K here we come!

Shawn, Ashlee and Addison said...

I love it when you post! Sounds like you guys have been super busy! I hope that your foot feels better soon! Love ya!

Mrs. Walker said...

I'm so impressed with you & Helen for running the 5k! It looks like you were going super fast. :) I love when you update your blog. And I'm glad that Jack and Izzy are doing great. I miss the little furballs.