May 28, 2010

{This Weekend Is Going To Be Awesome!!!}

This week will be soooo fun,

Tonight Pierce and I are going on date night/birthday date and going to see Prince of Persia!!

We've been stoaked for seeing this movie forever and it will be our last official date night as engaged lovers haha! We can't go next friday just because it will be too crazy (and my Uncle and Aunt want to take us to CARVERS!). And then we will be in MEXICO for a week as NEWLYWEDS, and then every datenight after that will be with the Love of my Life as my Hubby! It's a really crazy thought, but I am so stoaked to get married.

Anyway then Saturday we are going to go see Letters To Juliet with Carly, Tennille and Tara :) I've been dying to see this movie as well so it will be fun to have a girls day.

Then that night the PARTY is going to get started, although I am sad I won't get to hang out with Pierce, I get to hang out with all my girls and Chelsea's for the BACHLORETTE party :) It will be super fun and I know that Helen, Chelsea and Marie have put in a lot of work and effort so big shout out to them.

Sunday is my birthday and although our day is filled with meetings and temple prep, I am so excited because it's just things to get us closer to getting married! We are going to have dinner with my family that night-- best part, I can sleep in on Sunday and fit a nap, who would have thought!?! Oh and Jim and Janet will be here by then (Grandparents who I adore) so I will be happy that people are starting to come!!

Monday is MOVE IN DAY, can you believe it!?! Pierce will be living there for the first week so we can come home from our honeymoon and not stress about it :) I am thankful that Travis, Corbin and Nathan will come help us because it will be a lot of carrying boxes up 3 flights of stairs! Then Monday night, Liz and Jeff were nice to offer to take us out for my birthday, we are going to Bucca di Beppo-that place is so tasty!

So a full weekend of treats and parties and gifts and movies and Pierce! What more could a gal want!?!?!


Shawn, Ashlee and Addison said...

Sooo excited for you guys. I hope that you have a great weekend and a fantastic birthday! Love ya Cous!

P.S I am going to see Letters to Juliet on Saturday too! :-)

Helen said...

Yay! Birthday weekends SHOULD be awesome, not to mention it's your last weekend as a single! Bachlorette party WOOP WOOP! I've heard you're getting some dang cute stuff if I do say so myself ;)