August 21, 2012

{Emmett's Blessing Day}

We blessed Emmett at Jeff and Liz's house on Sunday, August 5th 2012. It was a close intimate group of family members and a few friends. Everyone was a great help and brought loads of treats and dessert. Pierce did an amazing job and the spirit was so great.

Emmett is a special spirit in our home. He teaches us patience, love and mercy. We've learned more about ourselves and each other the last two months than 2 years of marriage. I appreciate Pierce more and I love watching Pierce and Emmett. Emmett makes us laugh and cry. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and that I get to be with both Pierce and Emmett for eternity. Such an awesome promise from my Heavenly Father. Emmett makes me love deeper and more fully love life.


Helen said...

Such a special day! Glad we could be there for it!

Chelsea said...

It was such a beautiful evening. Pierce did a great job and it was such an honor to be there for it. You just wait, you think you've learned so much now, wait until they are 1! You will be so full of wisdom...and patience:)