May 26, 2011


meet {Pat and Rosie}

Sorry the picture is bad quality, I tried to lighten it a little bit!

These two ladies have been Pierce's "grannies" all growing up! They are great family friends and have always taken Pierce out for his birthday, this year I was honored to go with them and we sat talking for about 2 hours! Pat and Rosie are super busy ladies with their own kids, g-kids and other family but always take Tuesdays to reward themselves with a movie day!! They had seen movies that Pierce and I still haven't seen-- pretty hip! I hope one day I can have a best friend for 33 years (yes and they still like each other) to go see movies with!

Thank you Pat and Rosie, we love our Grannies!!



Helen said...

So cute! They are so sweet and great grandmas :)

Nancy said...

Tender! One of these days we'll have to get the whole gang together. :]