May 17, 2012

{life as preggers: week 35}

Week 35:

A great joy is coming.

 No one told me that being pregnant was easy, in fact, people warned me how hard it truly is. Exhausting, emotional, challenging, overwhelming and yet, the most spiritual and empowering thing I've experienced in my 21 years of life. 

On the eve of our little one coming, I find myself scared to become a mother. It's all I've ever dreamt about in life, yet- could never picture it until, even now at 36 weeks. It still often feels surreal because you don't know what this tiny human looks like. I am terrified and it's ok. I know that I can thrive as a mother because of the love and support that I have from Pierce, he wants this just as much as I do and together we can do it. 

As I am sure we will learn more than ever in the next month: A great adventure is coming, the greatest adventure is coming.


Mrs. Walker said...

Adventure is right! And I remember feeling all of those feelings you are having right now. And you are totally right, that it will all be ok. The secret to parenting is that no one knows what the hell they are doing. It's true. Even parents who have 16 kids and write books, no one knows exactly what to do.

You are going to be an awesome mommy. I can't wait to see it. It's an awkward and clumsy growth, just like all the other times we grow in our lives (puberty, college, newlywed, etc.). But it is also beautiful.

I was looking at videos of Locke from over the years, and it is amazing to me that I knew how to take care of him through all those ages, and that I continue to figure it out. There are still talks late at night between Cade and I about how to handle certain problems, characteristics, goals, and so on. You certainly have an amazing support system, and you are going to do so wonderful.

I can't wait to meet baby Emmett! (And btw, you are gorgeous. Motherhood suits you!)

Mrs. Walker said...
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Helen said...

Oh my gosh, that first picture!! You need to frame that & put it in his nursery! Beautiful!!!!! Love this post! Can't wait for E to get here! Can't believe you're already packing your hospital bags! He's coming so soon! You're almost full term!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited?!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!