Wow! I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since I've blogged. So from a little nudge from my sister-in-law (Thanks Mel!) I am now catching you briefly up on what we've been doing since August 10th!
So August was a great month, we were enjoying the weather and no school! I decided that I was not going to go to school this fall and work until winter when I will hopefully be accepted into LDSBC Interior design program! I am really excited to start and wish me luck that I get accepted!! Pierce started school again up at the U and is really enjoying his classes. We even celebrated that he is closer to graduating than not which is also a good encouragement- he chose a U of U sticker for his car and a U of U LAX T-shirt that I later shrank (whoops!). I am really proud of him that he can work pretty much full time and go to school and still give me some free time! I think we also went to 1 Real Salt Lake game but it was the only one that whole month so that was kind of crappy.
On August 25th, the Walker family welcomed a new little baby girl! Pierce's brother Chase and his wife Helen had their first baby Charlotte Rose Walker! We wished we could be there in AZ with them but luckily my MIL was there to help! Also on the 25th, my dad has his big 51 haha ok so not really considered a milestone birthday but he got to have a colonoscopy (yikes!) but luckily he is a pretty healthy guy! So now August 25th is a great day for both sides of my family!

The next day Pierce and I headed to Michigan to help my other pregnant sister-in-law and her family move. We were there from Friday to Monday so we busted out the move and were able to then have some quality down time with Chelsea, Travis and Ava and then that Monday Travis started Law School for his second year! Here are few pictures from my phone of Ava!
I came home for 2 days and then left Pierce in Utah and headed to Arizona to see Chase, Helen and Charlotte and then for my cousin Ashlyn's wedding! I got to hang out with Chase and Helen for 2 days and kind of crash in their brand new baby lives. It was so much fun seeing my sister/friend become a mommy and I didn't mind holding that little baby for her. I can't wait to see them again at Christmas (or possibly T-Giving)! Arizona was HOT so I was thankful that we had Charlotte as the excuse to stay inside haha!
That Friday night, Chelsea my sister-in-law from up above had to have an emergency C-Section with her little boy but everything went well and both of them were happy and healthy! I guessed I didn't plan my trips so well because I was practally in MI when Helen had Charlotte and then in AZ when Liam came! We welcomed George Liam Pickup to the Walker clan and now I have to wait til Christmas to snuggle him.

Then my mom came and picked up me up and we headed to my cousin Ashlyn's wedding Saturday night. I hadn't been to AZ for years and so it was so so good to see all my mom's family that I hadn't seen for a long time.
The wedding was a blast- it was really cool that all 6 of my mom's siblings were there. My aunt Rachel is part Mexican and she made all the food for the reception and it was SO good. It was also my mom's birthday on Saturday so I think that was a fun trip for her to celebrate her 50th. We sent Ashlyn & her husband Riley off to their honeymoon and then spent Sunday just cleaning up and going through all the wedding things to return and what not then we had a big dinner at my Aunt DeAnn's house- I think there were like 27 of us. Sunday was my other Aunt's birthday so we celebrated both hers and my mom's!
Then Monday, we went shopping and just hung out with my cousins until we had to go to the airport. I was so happy to have a fun time but definitely missed my husband and puppies!
Once I got back, I've just been working and trying to continue to work out so I can lose some LBS that I've gained. Jillian Michael's DVD s have been the death of me but hopefully I can start looking like her- minus the lesbian vibe haha.
Pierce has just been super man: working, going to school, working extra hours, doing homework, taking me out on date nights, working and planning LAX stuff! I've been really impressed and a few times a little ungrateful that I don't see him as much but I know he is working his tail off for me and our family!
We've been enjoying time with Jeff and Liz, it's weird that we are the only Walker kids here in UT, when I met Pierce, his oldest brother had just barely moved and now all 3 of them live in different parts of the country! We got to go see Pierce's cousin play against BYU in Hockey a few weekends ago. It was really fun; a couple stories about that: so when Stu came out of the locker room, we were all busy snapping a few pics of him that we really didn't see what number he was. We then looked on our pictures at his jersey (easy)- number 9! We were him on and he was getting loads of playing time and even scored!!! We were escatic; he goes off the rink and some new players come in and this big fight ensues and one of the USU players ends up in the penalty box. He takes off his helmet and it's Stu! What the heck!?! Turns out, Stu was number 98 or 91 or something- still not even sure! But we had been watching the wrong player for the first period- wow that's embarrassing. Then they had a “chuck a puck” fundraiser for the BYU Women's Hockey team, you buy these styrofoam pucks and then after one of the periods, you toss them and whoever gets the closest to the center ice gets a prize. Pierce decides to buy 10 of them for us to throw. When the announcer goes onto the ice and tells people to throw them, Pierce just tries to throw them at the announcer- great! I throw my one puck and it goes perfectly to the center ice and then off a little bit. I got 3rd place though and the prize was a coupon for food- SERIOUSLY!?! A coupon for a $1 OFF food, not even free. Lame, oh well I was proud of my athleticism.
Pierce had LAX try-outs the past two days and they went really well and I think we will have a really great team this year. Sidenote: He also is the director of a LAX tournament that will be in March. He heard about a new LAX movie coming out and wondered if they would want to promote their movie at this tournament, so what does my hubby do? He calls up the producer of the movie, (mind you- this producer has done lots of well-know movies, even though I can't think of any right now haha), and talks to this guy and just had him confirm that they will help promote the tournament! Pretty proud of my man- I hate calling the Dr's office or dentist to feel like I am bugging them and Pierce just goes for what he wants!
So life has been pretty much the same everyday but yet super busy! Hopefully I can update more with some actual pictures!