I thought that “thankful Thursdays” are a great way to update people with what’s going on with our lives but also have some meaning. The problem is that I always forget to do these posts until after Thursdays…while I am always thankful; I just like the sound of Thankful Thursdays. Anyway, I am here on a Thursday writing something that I am truly thankful for: my fantastic husband!
Pierce is the most amazing person I’ve ever met. He really is a ball of wacky and fun with some weird mixed in but I love every minute of it! I truly am thankful that I laugh everyday because of him and that he is always making others laugh. It is a great quality to have, it makes people feel at ease and want to know him more. I love that he can also lay in bed with me and we can chitchat about our days and our future and when I get sad/frustrated with life, he is always—ALWAYS my rock!
He can calm me down which I appreciate. I also love that he is caring and careful. I think these are the same but also different. I think he is caring for me by surprising me and doing things that he knows I would love- like cleaning if I am sick or putting some gas in my car! I also think he is careful because he never says anything to hurt my feelings and if we get a fight or I get mad/upset he comes to apologize for anything that he did. I really admire that quality—I am pretty stubborn about saying sorry but I am learning from his great example.
He is really strong in his beliefs and values, besides the gospel, Pierce believes in family, loyalty, staying active and working hard. I think he is a truly passionate person and I often tease him that he only talks to me about Lacrosse when I don’t know really anything about it; but I know that he cares a lot about the team because his high schools teams provided a lot of friendship and support in his life. He loves his family, the family that we have created in our little apartment and our immediate family and extended family. I always say that my family loves Pierce more than me but I sort of/kind of think it’s true! My aunts and cousins are always wanting to hang out with him and never say anything to me haha! My siblings love having a “big brother” and I also know his family loves having him as the “younger brother”. He is very supportive of all that his family members do and is always encouraging me to be the best I can and encouraging me to pursue dance again. I could probably could go on and on about him but I will leave it with this:
Hey Best Friend,
Our life is great! Thanks for the laughs and good times.
YOU are one of the most hard working and talented people I know.
And I'm so proud of you. Your genuine goodness and leadership qualities make me love you more everyday.
Thanks for being such a wonderful husband and my biggest support. You're my sunshine.
So smile bright.
love always
Your Wife- Karissa