I know this is a little late since it’s almost Friday- but Gratitude is better late than never. This year I have SO much to be thankful for. Pierce was in Washington, which I was happy he could visit Cade and Melisa and Locke, but I missed him for myself. I know- sounds selfish right? Well I guess you could say that I have been selfish in my life thus far. Always taking from others and not thinking about others. But this year I am going to let you all know things that I am thankful for:
1.Pierce- truly this man is my life saver. His optimism and wisdom never ceases to amaze me. Pierce is always giving me wisdom that is so enlightening and ahead of his age that I almost feel dumb that I would never think of it on my own.

I’ve never and I mean NEVER met someone who could make me laugh as hard as I do with Pierce. Sure, he teases everyone and often “crosses the line” and I constantly tell him to stop but I secretly am giggling with him.

He loves me with all my flaws and I think what I lack he makes up for and then some! I am so impressed the way he carries himself and how he handles others with honest thought and consideration. I know that he loves me and would sacrifice almost anything for me. It’s the best feeling know that you have a support as strong as he is.
His loyalty and love for his family impressed me when we first met, but even more I see how he loves our little family of 4. I am also blessed that he has accepted my family especially when we are going through a really tough time. My mom would probably say that Pierce is her favorite child too and I know that it really makes me happy how well they get along!

I am amazed with his spirituality and think they put the wisdom of a 90-year old into his body (in a not creeper way haha). His knowledge and testimony of the gospel and I haven’t ever heard him question it- even when I have. He is constantly the one reminding me to raise the bar and expect greatness from myself and I appreciate that more than ever.
He is my biggest cheerleader in life, #1 fan, love, husband and best friend. I would do anything for this boy and am so lucky to have found him. I love him.
2.Family- just the concept of families makes me happy. I am thankful that I have wonderful aunts and uncles and cousins. I am thankful for mine and Pierce’s grandparents. Just seeing how much support we had as our wedding was over whelming.

We are not meant to travel this world alone and I have been so blessed with an awesome mother who I turn to for everything. She is such a wonderful lady and strong willed. She tries so hard for her children which I appreciate so much. I think almost all of my confidence as a person comes from her, cheering me on and telling me to try new things because I would surprise myself.

My dad, I am thankful for him and the quiet strength he has always had. He knows right from wrong but has let me always made my own choices. I appreciate the support and encouragement that he gave me. I wanted to be the best for my dad and even when I would fall short, I never had the feeling that I was lacking anything.

My brother Garret, I wish he could read this and know how much I love him. We always joked that we were the best children because we never fought with one another and we have always just been chill with each other. We know how to laugh with each other and that is something that I appreciate. It truly breaks my heart to know that he is somewhere lost for now and how I can only be his sister and friend until he finds his way. My heart aches for and with him and I know that he is truly a great person with such amazing potential.

Bree- my sister, my best friend. I never thought that I would be able to get along with my sister, we use to fight all the time. But I slowly learned that she is a friend that I will always have on my side. We constantly laugh and have fun and share clothes and go out to lunch. I love watching her in 9th grade and these next years in high school- such a fun and also hard time but I am glad that I will be able to share my experiences with her.

Anthony- the baby. I think I will always think of Anthony as a 10 pound smiley baby. I’ve never met such a sweet heart and spirit as Anthony. He deserves the best in life and I know that he will go great things because of his intentions. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 12 year old embrace the gospel as he does and swear if I were to ever know a prophet, it’d be my brother.
3.The Walkers- their family has welcomed me with open arms when I know that it isn’t always easy to do with a newcomer. Before Pierce let me meet them this is what he said “I am waiting to introduce you to my family because they are pretty awesome and you have to be prepared for how awesome they are”. At first I was just like oh a boy who loves his family but NO they ARE ALL awesome! I am the oldest child (well besides Pierce) in my family and the youngest in theirs. I love the contrast; we get to watch our siblings all grow in different phases of their lives that are all so exciting. I am thankful for Liz who has become one of my best friends so quickly and for all the little things she does for us. I am thankful for Jeff, who is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met; hardworking, smart, funny, spiritual and Pierce’s hero. I could instantly see why Pierce thinks his family is as awesome as they are.
4.The Savior- my love for the savior continues to grow and I know that he lives. I have felt him in my heart, in my head and seen his doing in my life. At times I often question him and why he allows sadness and hurt and then I see the great things that he does for me and I am speechless (if you don’t know me, this is a pretty big deal ha). I love the gospel and will always support the prophets and their beliefs. Life is too short to not to stand for what you believe.

5.My puppies- I know I talk about them all the time; I’ve considered making their own blog where I can just mush about them and then focus more on the humans here haha! I seriously love these little puppies and I think my husband could attest to the fact that I stress about them. I think he is a little nervous for when we have children to care for haha! But they just bring such happiness to my life and plus they are cute!!

6.Health and work- This year has been really emotionally and physically hard for me. I used to think I was a pretty tough girl but after my knee surgery, I realized that having a working body is something I need to thank heavenly father for. I still am frustrated that I haven’t fully recovered, that I have pain and cannot do my passion (dance) but I know that if I slowly keep working for it and remember the things my body has let me do, I can do the things I hope!
I am thankful for my job and that my husband has a job. We appreciate things so much more being poor college students but it will be worth it. I hope that we will continue to be blessed with work throughout our lives.
Anyway, I could also go on about friends, temples, food, TV and T Swift but this post is already too long! Hope everyone had a great, full and grateful thanksgiving!